…By Lola Smith for TDPel Media. An 11-year-old Australian girl named Pixie Curtis has opened up about what it is like being a young millionaire.
She earned her fortune by selling bows and launching a fidget spinner business during the pandemic.
Pixie is the daughter of PR queen Roxy Jacenko and businessman Oliver Curtis.
She owns a Mercedes Benz GI worth £143,000, despite not being able to drive yet, and has a designer wardrobe and glam room.
She has also snagged a brand deal with Mermade Hair, thanks to her mother’s work with the company.

Pixie has over 100,000 followers on Instagram and considers herself a “night owl.”
Pixie has a strict beauty routine at night, which involves a vitamin C facial wash followed by a sleeping mask.
She then uses sunscreen and bronzing cream in the mornings to get ready for school.
Her diet consists of rice crackers with vegemite, Tim Tams and chicken crimps, and a lunch box filled with fresh fruit and cucumbers.
Pixie does not think she is different from her friends, and they love to hang out in her mum’s glam room while she washes and blow-dries their hair.

Pixie encourages other kids to pursue any business ideas they have, as she did.
Despite her rich status, she still relies on her parents for money, but she does get the odd luxury gift.
Pixie’s future plan is to get a Range Rover or a ute, although her mother thinks it is ridiculous because she is not a tradesperson.
Pixie’s story is both fascinating and controversial.
On the one hand, it is impressive that she was able to earn so much money at a young age by starting her own business.
This is something that many adults struggle with, let alone children.
Additionally, it is good to see that she is encouraging other children to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams.
On the other hand, it is concerning that an 11-year-old has access to so much wealth and is driving an expensive car she cannot even legally operate yet.
It is also questionable whether it is healthy for a child to have such Pixie’s story raises important questions about wealth, privilege, and parenting.
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