In a tragic incident that has sent shockwaves through Banana Island, Ikoyi, Lagos State, a 25-year-old construction worker, known only as Sunday, lost his life in a fatal fall from a storied building. The unfortunate event unfolded around 2 pm on Tuesday while Sunday was involved in the task of clearing lintel woods at his worksite.
Following the accident, Sunday was rushed with urgency to a nearby hospital in Falomo. Despite the efforts of the medical team, he was pronounced dead upon arrival by the attending doctor.
Lagos State Police Public Relations Officer, SP Benjamin Hundeyin, confirmed the tragic event. He also informed that Sunday’s body had been transferred to the Lagos Island General Hospital mortuary for an autopsy.
The police have initiated a comprehensive investigation into the circumstances surrounding Sunday’s death. The early findings of the investigation suggest that Sunday might have fallen from the lift shaft at the construction site. This piece of information, however, remains to be verified through a detailed inspection and analysis of the accident site.
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