Keke Palmer, the 30-year-old actress, was spotted in Paris, enjoying a day out with her nine-month-old son, Leodis, just days after being granted a temporary restraining order against her ex-boyfriend, Darius Jackson, following abuse allegations.
Parisian Outing:
In a chic black mini dress, tights, and tan boots, Keke explored Parisian landmarks, including the Eiffel Tower and the Musée du Quai Branly — Jacques Chirac.
Despite the rain, she smiled and kissed her son, who was dressed in a cream outfit and hat, under the shelter of an umbrella held by a friend.
Legal Battles and Abuse Allegations:
The legal developments follow Keke’s recent legal actions against Darius Jackson.
Screenshots from security footage depicting alleged assaults were shared during the request for a restraining order.
Darius denies the accusations and claims threats from Keke’s mother, Sharon, adding complexity to the legal proceedings.
Public and Legal Response:
Publicly, Darius’ brother, Sarunas, labeled him as ‘disgusting, vile, abusive,’ while Sharon, in a video, accused Sarunas of being aware of the abuse a year ago.
The legal proceedings are scheduled for a hearing on December 5.
Alleged Incidents and Emotional Abuse:
In the restraining order filing, Keke detailed instances of physical and emotional abuse, including Darius’ behavior during an argument over custody and a reported threat involving a bullet.
The filing includes security footage from alleged incidents.
Mother’s Concerns and Family Dynamics:
Sharon, Keke’s mother, expressed concern for her daughter’s safety, alleging threats and abusive behavior by Darius.
A text exchange between Darius’ mother and Sharon revealed tension and accusations on both sides.
Relationship and Personal Revelations:
Keke’s relationship with Darius faced challenges, notably when he criticized her outfit online.
Their publicized conflicts and subsequent unfollowing on Instagram raised questions about their relationship status.
The couple celebrated Keke’s birthday together in August.
Legal Outcome:
A Los Angeles County judge granted Keke a temporary restraining order, demanding Jackson stay 100 yards away from her and Leodis.
Sole custody was awarded to Keke, with a hearing scheduled for December 5 to determine further steps.
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