In a devastating turn of events, NHL player Johnny Gaudreau and his brother Matthew were tragically killed in a collision with a vehicle driven by Sean Higgins on August 29.
Prosecutors in New Jersey have revealed that Higgins was legally drunk at the time of the fatal accident.
Charges and Court Appearance
Sean Higgins, 43, faces serious charges including two counts of death by auto, reckless driving, possession of an open container, and consuming alcohol in a motor vehicle.
On Friday, Higgins appeared virtually in court, where despite objections from his defense, he was ordered to stand trial.
His attorneys argued that Higgins, a married father and previously law-abiding citizen, made a grave mistake that night.
Details of the Incident
The collision occurred while Johnny, 31, and his 29-year-old brother Matthew were cycling near their New Jersey home, just hours before their sister Katie’s wedding.
Higgins, who admitted to drinking “5-6 beers” before driving his Jeep Grand Cherokee, struck the Gaudreau brothers.
He failed a sobriety test and had a history of reckless driving and road rage.
According to court documents, Higgins tried to overtake two cars that had slowed to avoid the cyclists, and he allegedly did not see the brothers before the crash.
Legal Ramifications and Personal Impact
Higgins’ impatience and impaired judgment have been cited as factors leading to the tragic deaths.
If convicted on all counts, he faces up to 20 years in prison.
Due to the severity of the charges, Judge Michael J. Silvanio has requested that Higgins remain in custody, citing him as a flight risk.
The Gaudreau family was looking forward to Katie’s wedding, where Johnny and Matthew were to be groomsmen.
The ceremony has now been postponed. Johnny Gaudreau is survived by his wife Meredith and their two young children, one-year-old Noa and a six-month-old baby boy named Johnny.
Meredith revealed at the funeral that she is expecting their third child.
Matthew Gaudreau is survived by his wife Madeline, who is expecting their son Tripp in late December.