In a heartbreaking turn of events, Flaco, the rare Eurasian eagle-owl that gained notoriety after escaping the Central Park Zoo, passed away on Friday.
The beloved bird collided with a building on West 89th Street in Manhattan, marking a tragic end to its journey.
“Central Park Mourns: Flaco, the Famed Eurasian Eagle-Owl, Succumbs to Fatal Building Collision”
The Central Park community and bird enthusiasts alike are grieving the loss of Flaco, the Eurasian eagle-owl that captured hearts after escaping the zoo.
The owl met an unfortunate end after colliding with a building on Manhattan’s Upper West Side.
“Tragic Fate for Flaco: Eurasian Eagle-Owl, Central Park Escapee, Dies in Manhattan Building Crash”
The much-followed journey of Flaco, the Eurasian eagle-owl that evaded capture after escaping the Central Park Zoo, came to a tragic end.
The owl, known for its escapades in Manhattan, collided with a building on West 89th Street, leaving the community in sorrow.
“End of an Era: Flaco, the Central Park Escapee Owl, Meets Untimely Demise in Manhattan Building Collision”
The saga of Flaco, the Eurasian eagle-owl that soared through Manhattan after escaping the Central Park Zoo, concluded tragically.
The owl’s life was cut short after colliding with a building on Manhattan’s Upper West Side, leaving many mourning its passing.
“Central Park’s Avian Icon Flaco Dies: Eurasian Eagle-Owl’s Journey Ends in Manhattan Building Collision”
The iconic Eurasian eagle-owl, Flaco, known for its daring escape from the Central Park Zoo, met a sorrowful end.
The owl’s life concluded in a building collision on West 89th Street, marking the end of its celebrated journey in Manhattan.
World News