Controversial Comment Sparks Outrage
Kerry, a participant in the ITV version of Big Brother, is facing criticism from viewers after a live stream captured her using the term “gay” to describe something negative.
The incident occurred during a heated exchange on the show.
Prank Leads to Heated Argument
According to a Reddit user’s account, Kerry became upset when her mattress was stolen from her bed as part of a prank orchestrated by fellow housemates, Olivia and Jenkin.
They falsely informed her that Big Brother had instructed viewers to vote on who should lose their mattress, and Kerry was selected.
Kerry’s Reaction and Offensive Remark
Kerry’s reaction to the situation was one of frustration and disappointment. As Olivia and Jenkin continued to tease her, she expressed her feelings, saying, “Well, this is gay” in response to the perceived unfair treatment.
During this exchange, she also pleaded to see Big Brother to resolve the issue.
Viewer Reactions and Calls for Action
The live feed of this incident took place from October 15th at 11 pm through to 2 am on October 16.
Reddit users who discussed the episode expressed their frustration with Kerry’s use of the offensive term. Some called for her to be reprimanded for her choice of words.
ITV’s Response
Upon being contacted for comment by the Daily Star, ITV stated that they are currently “reviewing” the situation to address the controversy surrounding Kerry.
Previous Controversies
Kerry, who joined the show last week, has already sparked mixed opinions among viewers. Earlier, she faced criticism for her comments about taxes and MPs’ earnings during a conversation with her fellow housemates.
These incidents have raised questions about her behavior on the show.
Ongoing Show
Big Brother continues to air weeknights at 9 pm on ITV, keeping the audience engaged with its unfolding drama and controversies.
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